
2017-09-30 14:14:24         来源:|0   

  空气钟之鼻祖 (本文供图:华夏收藏网 庆龙)


  产品号 404 ,大约1929年底出品。

  华夏收藏网讯 说起空气钟,大家一定最先想到积家空气钟,殊不知法国 Reutter (空气钟发明者)比积家更早。如上图所示,华夏收藏网钟表版庆龙老师的这款空气钟就是Reutter最早期产品,说它是鼻祖毫无疑义。上世纪30年代的空气钟,是空气钟收藏者梦寐以求的藏品,存世量稀少,不管至今是否正常运行,市场均难觅踪影,价格不菲。

  Jean Leon Reutter

  空气钟发明者Jean Leon Reutter,1929年发明制作了永恒动力 Perpetual Motion 机械钟,后来改名为 Atmos Clock 。此时的钟气囊里为水银,非特殊气体。最早期空气钟由400天钟基本原理改进得来的,1935年7月27号,积家公司接手Reutter经营权,把空气钟发扬光大,不断改进直至今天。

  Atmos 网站资料显示:“On June 01, 1929, Compagnie generale de radio (CGR) created a department devoted to the manufacture and sales of the Atmos clock. Jean-Leon Reutter was appointed to manage that department. It is unclear how many were made and sold but we refer to these at Atmos I’s. Two French patents were granted for the Atmos 0 (624.595) and for the Atmos I (664.689) but that company never produced the Atmos 0.They are very nicely made and typically they have a plate saying "Reutter Brevet" or “Brevets J. L. Reutter S. G. D. G.”(Brevet = Patent).”

  这是一款很珍贵的Atmos I,根据上述资料保守判断如图所示空气钟即为Atmos 1,就是正式生产的第一代空气钟。从编号上看应该是1930年生产的,而在英国市面上根本见不到404序号之前的钟。几年前伦敦大拍上拍过早期Reutter空气钟,序号都是1000以上的,价格是当今普通积家空气钟的10倍。

关键词: 鼻祖 空气 钟之